last update 9 May 2020
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Links to Genealogical Sources



Most of the credits for this page go to my loving parents, my uncle Henk van der Linden and my late great-uncle Matthee Zurlohe. The de Vette genealogy is originating from the Roeling family. Many thanks must go to Tobias Blasum for providing so much information on "the Neuenkirchen connection" for Zurlohe, Keuss and Kauling relatives. Further thanks go to Richard Scheimann, who provided information on "the Windheim connection" with the Seelking relatives. See also sources mentioned in the My names table

Version May 2020: I finally took up the job to modernize most of this website's pages. But there remains still a lot to update all those defunct external links. Much has changed. For the most recent version of my on-line versions GEDCOM database, check out

Version October 2004: many additions/corrections, after visits to Vlaardingen & Rotterdam. Removed to new webhosting and URLs.

Version March 2003: additions thanks to internet publications (van Schie, Ham and de Vette genealogies) and databases (mainly Zeeuws archief, Rotterdams archief)

Version 1 October 2002: a visit last September to the Vlaardingen Archive enabled me to connect many ancestrial lineages to the information provided by Martin van der Berg's website (in Dutch). A great start for collecting information on one's roots in Vlaardingen.